In recent years, plenty of Shonen anime have captivated audiences, such as Spy x Family, Jujutsu Kaisen, and Dandadan. 2025 plans to kick things off with Sakamoto Days, which got a new trailer earlier this week.
Based on Yuto Suzuki’s ongoing manga and developed by TMS Studio (Blue Box), the series centers around Taru Sakamoto, a renowned hitman who retired after meeting Aoi, the love of his life. Years later, Taru has gained weight and now runs a convenience store with Aoi and their daughter, Hana. However, leaving the assassin life isn’t easy, and old enemies decide to come after him, assuming he’d be an easy target. That’s not the case—not only does he still possess his old hitman skills, but he also gets help from his employee, Shin, a former hitman who also happens to have clairvoyant powers. You know, typical hitman stuff.
Did you enjoy the silly antics of the average episode of Spy x Family? It seems like Sakamoto Days aims to be just as absurd and fun, as it balances Sakamoto being an extraordinary assassin while also being a loving family man. That said, it has its own unique energy: While Sakamoto may no longer be in his prime, in extreme situations, his body reverts to its original lean form, with twice the strength behind his punches. His adversaries are a colorful bunch, ranging from a rocket-gloved man to a nudist archer and the daughter of a Chinese mafia boss.
If all this sounds like your cup of tea, you’ll be happy to know that Sakamoto Days premieres on Crunchyroll and Netflix on January 11, 2025, with its second arc airing in July.