Expert’s Response on the Reduction of Free Nutritious Meal Budget to IDR 10,000

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Jakarta – Indonesian President Prabowo Subianto revealed that the budget for free nutritious meals has been reduced from IDR 15,000 to IDR 10,000 per child. This reduction is claimed to have been tested in several regions, especially in Java, with each meal providing at least 600-700 calories.

The Head of the National Nutrition Agency (BGN), Dadan Hindayana, showed the results of a trial conducted in Sukabumi, West Java. In a meal worth IDR 10,000, children in Sukabumi were provided food containing a complete set of nutrients including carbohydrates, protein, fats, as well as vitamins and minerals.

“On average, our trial index in Sukabumi is not far from what was mentioned by the President, balanced nutrition with calories that match the needs,” he said.

The Free Nutritious Meal (MBG) program was first tested in the Warungkiara Subdistrict of Sukabumi Regency starting in January 2024. Around 3,000 students from 20 schools, ranging from early childhood education (PAUD) to high school (SMA), were involved in the program managed by the local MBG service team.

What Does the Nutrition Expert Say?

Nutritionist Dr. Tan Shot Yen admitted she has become “hopeless” regarding the nutritious meal program. She said she did not want to comment further but gave a note about certain nutrients that must be fulfilled, including the provision of milk.

This is because in several trials of the MBG program, the milk provided was found to be a high-sugar and flavored product. In fact, the sugar content in these products is clearly susceptible to causing children to develop diabetes.

As a note, the sugar intake for children aged 2-4 years should not exceed 15-16 grams per day. For ages 4-7 years, it should be a maximum of 18-20 grams. For ages 7-10 years, the limit is 22-23 grams, and for ages 10-13 years, it should not exceed 24-27 grams of sugar.

In some cases, the sugar content in the milk products already accounts for half of the daily recommended maximum intake.

“I give up. They will involve the industry, but I don’t want to speculate. It depends on what happens in the field,” she said to detikcom on Monday (2/12/2024).

Meanwhile, the Chairman of PERGIZI PANGAN Indonesia, Prof. Dr. Ir. Hardinsyah, emphasized that food prices in each region vary. For example, the need for staple foods is diverse and not always rice-based.

This, he said, can be adjusted to suit the local food characteristics, which are generally more affordable.

Prof. Hardinsyah also noted that cultural adjustments in each region are important to ensure that the program runs effectively and children’s nutritional status remains maintained.

“Children in Eastern Indonesia might prefer fish, they might not like eating meat as much. But in Java, the favorites are chicken and eggs. In rural areas, they might prefer freshwater fish. So it depends on the location,” Prof. Hardinsyah added.

On a different occasion, Dadan stated that the implementation of the IDR 10,000 per meal budget on the ground would be flexible, depending on the needs and understanding of each region.

If a region spends less than the budget, the remaining funds will be reallocated to other regions that need additional funds, especially those facing higher raw material prices. This budget is not intended for purchasing pre-cooked meals, but for buying raw ingredients to be cooked on-site, involving the local community or catering businesses.

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