Jakarta – Heavy rains over the past two days have caused disasters in several areas of Sukabumi Regency, West Java. As of this afternoon, it has been reported that 27 villages in 20 subdistricts in Sukabumi have been affected by floods and landslides.
“Over the past two days, Sukabumi Regency has been hit by heavy rains across the entire region. As a result, 20 subdistricts and 27 villages have been affected by the disaster,” said Deden Sumpena, Head of the Sukabumi Regency BPBD (Regional Disaster Management Agency), as quoted by detikJabar on Wednesday (4/12/2024).
Deden said the subdistricts most severely affected include Sagaranten and Pabuaran. In Pabuaran, preliminary reports indicate that around 70 houses have been affected, though this number is expected to rise as floodwaters remain high.
Meanwhile, in Gegerbitung Subdistrict, the BPBD team and Forkopimcam (district government and police) are continuing their search for victims believed to be buried under the landslide. “The search is ongoing, and we continue to mobilize to assist residents,” he said.
Access to the provincial road between Baros and Sagaranten has been cut off. This has made movement to the southern areas difficult, leaving only one remaining route through Cikembar and Jampang Tengah.
In addition, two points along the Ciletuh Geopark belt road have been affected. One route, Simpenan-Loji, has been completely cut off, and several bridges are at risk of collapsing due to the overflow of floodwaters.