Minister of Home Affairs Reveals Stunting Budget of IDR 10 Billion, but Only IDR 2 Billion Reaches Pregnant Mothers and Children

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Jakarta – Minister of Home Affairs Tito Karnavian highlighted the use of the budget for the stunting prevention program, which consumed a budget of Rp 10 billion. However, the budget was not used efficiently.
Tito stated that so far, only Rp 2 billion of the stunting program budget has reached the community. The rest has been used for study tours and evaluations. “There is a stunting program with a budget of Rp 10 billion. Coordination meetings, study tours, and other expenses amount to Rp 6 billion.” Which goes to food for pregnant women and children under 2 years old is 2 billion IDR. Another 2 billion IDR is for evaluation. So the 2 billion budget for stunting went into the stomach,” he said at the APBD Award Ceremony and 2024 Regional Finance National Coordination Meeting, Wednesday (12/18/2024).
With the discovery of these findings, Tito then requested the Director General of Regional Finance at the Ministry of Home Affairs to oversee various programs that consume large budgets. One of them is business trips.
The reason is, said Tito, the government has decided to reduce the business trip budget by half of what it currently is.
“I discussed with the Minister of Finance until 5 PM yesterday about reducing the business trip budget by half for ministries and agencies. And I also asked the Director General of Regional Finance to closely monitor the business trip budgets or any inefficient spending.” “Because many of them are inefficient,” he said.
In addition, many programs run by the local government lack clear direction, such as meetings for strengthening purposes. And these need to be reduced.
“And there are too many of these programs. Meetings for strengthening purposes.” I said, when will the items be strengthened? Now, please, fellow regional heads, don’t be deceived by the Regional Secretary and BPKAD. This is handled by Bappeda and BKAD. Be honest. Yes. Please change the mindset. Because it’s pitiful for the people,” he said

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