Jakarta -The businessman and also a defendant in the tin corruption case, Harvey Moeis, along with his wife who is an actress, Sandra Dewi, are registered as participants receiving the health insurance premium assistance (PBI) from BPJS Kesehatan. The Jakarta Health Office (Dinkes) also explained the reason.
Reported by Antara on Monday (30/12/2024), the Head of the DKI Jakarta Provincial Health Office, Ani Ruspitawati, stated that the Jakarta Provincial Government indeed has a program to ensure all Jakarta residents are registered for the National Health Insurance (JKN).
The program, he said, is carried out without regard to the residents’ socio-economic status. He said that the policy is an implementation of Universal Health Coverage (UHC).
“In accordance with Governor Regulation (Pergub) Number 169 of 2016 concerning Participation and Health Service Guarantees, during the 2017-2018 period, the DKI Jakarta Provincial Government implemented the acceleration of Universal Health Coverage (UHC) with the aim of ensuring that all residents of DKI Jakarta have access to health services,” he said.
Ani said that the DKI Jakarta provincial government has a target from the central government to register 95% of the population as JKN participants. He mentioned that this policy is aimed at providing health protection for all residents of DKI Jakarta.
“The regional regulation is the commitment of the DKI Jakarta Provincial Government to provide access to health services for all members of the community who are not yet registered in the National Health Insurance (JKN).” The regional regulation protects the full health rights of the people of Jakarta,” he said.
He said that residents who meet the administrative criteria, such as having a DKI Jakarta ID card and being willing to be treated in class 3 at that time, can be registered by local government officials, namely the village head or sub-district head, as participants in the Regional Budget Contribution Assistance (PBI) program. He said Harvey and Sandra have been registered since March 1, 2018.
“Including Harvey Moeis and Sandra Dewi.” Both have been registered since March 1, 2018,” he said.
Ani said that the Jakarta Provincial Government reorganized the data in 2020. He did not explain in detail whether the payment facilities for BPJS Kesehatan contributions for Harvey and Sandra would be stopped or not.
“However, since 2020, the DKI Jakarta Provincial Government has been in the process of reorganizing the data of PBI APBD recipients to make it more targeted,” said Ani.
He mentioned that the restructuring was carried out so that the payment of contributions through the regional budget (APBD) could be targeted, including by integrating the poor and underprivileged into the segment of Health Insurance Contribution Assistance Recipients (PBI JK) funded by the central government.
Next, there is also an emphasis on employers to register their workers in the PPU (Wage Earners) segment. Next, the ‘Independence is Cool’ campaign to encourage people who can pay their contributions independently.
“Currently, the DKI Jakarta Provincial Government is revising Governor Regulation Number 46 of 2021 concerning the Implementation of Health Insurance to adjust the criteria for PBI APBD participants so that this assistance is truly utilized by the needy, while maintaining the principles of justice and transparency in its implementation,” said Ani.
The JKN membership consists of several segments, namely:
- PPU (Wage Workers): Participants registered by employers.
- PBI JK (Health Insurance Contribution Assistance Recipients): Participants whose contributions are covered by the central government for the poor and underprivileged.
- PBPU BP (Non-Wage Workers and Non-Workers/Self-Participants): Participants who pay their own contributions.
- PBI APBD (Beneficiary of Contribution Assistance from the Regional Revenue and Expenditure Budget): Participants whose premiums are covered by the Regional Government through the APBD.
“We will also coordinate with BPJS Kesehatan regarding the revision of the Governor’s Regulation, so that health protection for every citizen can be fulfilled but targeted,” said Ani.
For your information, Harvey Moeis has been sentenced to 6.5 years in prison for corruption in tin management that caused the state a loss of Rp 300 trillion. Harvey was also sentenced to pay a fine of Rp 1 billion and restitution of Rp 210 billion.
The prosecutor also filed an appeal because they felt the sentence was too lenient. Harvey’s sentence was indeed only half of the 12-year prison term demanded by the prosecutor during the trial.