1.5 Million Vehicles Predicted to Leave Jabotabek During Long Weekend

Jakarta -The Isra Miraj and Chinese New Year 2025 holidays have become a long weekend that the public is taking advantage of to go on vacation. Jasa Marga predicts millions of vehicles will leave Jabotabek via toll roads during this long weekend.

“We predict that vehicles will leave the Jabotabek area during the H-3 Isra Miraj period until the H+4 Chinese New Year 2024 or from January 24, 2025, to February 2, 2025 (10 days) amounting to 1,559,680 vehicles, an increase of 10.9% compared to normal traffic,” said Lisye Octaviana, Corporate Communication & Community Development Group Head of Jasa Marga, in a press statement on Saturday (January 25, 2025).

The figure represents the cumulative traffic volume from the four main Toll Gates (GT), namely GT Cikupa (towards Merak), GT Ciawi (towards Puncak), GT Cikampek Utama (towards Trans Java), and GT Kalihurip Utama (towards Bandung).

From these figures, the distribution of traffic leaving Jabotabek from the three directions is as follows: the majority, 731,714 vehicles or 46.91% of vehicles, are heading East (Trans Java and Bandung), 470,089 or 30.14% of vehicles are heading West (Merak), and 357,877 vehicles or 22.95% of vehicles are heading South (Puncak).

Here are the details of the traffic distribution as follows:

East Direction (Trans Java and Bandung):

Traffic leaving Jabotabek towards the Trans Java route via GT Cikampek Utama on the Jakarta-Cikampek Toll Road increased by 373,083 vehicles or 36.7% from normal traffic.

Traffic leaving Jabotabek towards Bandung via GT Kalihurip Utama on the Cipularang Toll Road increased by 358,631 vehicles or 11.2% from normal traffic. The total traffic leaving Jabotabek from the Trans Java and Bandung directions through both GTs increased by 731,714 vehicles or 22.9% from normal traffic.

West Direction (Merak):

Traffic leaving Jabotabek towards Merak via GT Cikupa on the Tangerang-Merak Toll Road reached 470,089 vehicles, an increase of 0.1% from normal traffic.

South Direction (Peak):

The number of vehicles leaving Jabotabek towards Puncak via GT Ciawi on the Jagorawi Toll Road increased by 357,877 vehicles or 4.9% from normal traffic.

Jasa Marga ensures the readiness of the Jasa Marga Group toll road operation services to run optimally, especially on toll road sections that have the potential to become favorite tourist destinations for road users during long holidays, including the Jagorawi Toll Road for the Puncak area and its surroundings, as well as the Jakarta-Cikampek and Cipularang Toll Roads for those heading towards Trans Java and Bandung.

“In addition to ensuring the functionality of toll equipment at the toll booths, we are also increasing the number of personnel and mobile readers to enhance transaction capacity at the main toll gates.” Not only at the toll gates, but we also anticipate the potential for congestion in the lanes by placing officers at points prone to congestion on the favorite toll roads to expedite the handling of vehicle disruptions in the lanes and manage traffic more quickly. Through police discretion, Jasa Marga is also ready to support traffic engineering plans, such as contraflow, by placing officers and supporting signs,” said Lisye.

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