Cak Imin on the People’s School Plan: So That Education Is Not Just Ordinary

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Jakarta -Coordinating Minister for Community Empowerment, Muhaimin Iskandar (Cak Imin), is confident that the Sekolah Rakyat program will not become a controversy in the future. He mentioned Sekolah Rakyat to improve the quality of human resources (HR) in Indonesia.

“(Sekolah Rakyat) is (for) motivating, encouraging, and accelerating so that the quality of our human resources can catch up with our lag,” said Cak Imin to reporters in the West Jakarta area, Friday (24/1/2025).

Cak Imin said that the Sekolah Rakyat program was created so that the education process in Indonesia could be improved. Not just surviving at the ‘mediocre’ level.

“Yes, that is part of the acceleration measures.” So that the education process does not become business as usual, just ordinary,” said Cak Imin.

Furthermore, he stated, Indonesian children must continue to be encouraged and supported. Even to the point of being able to pursue education at world-class universities.

“Many of our children need to be encouraged to enter world-class universities,” he said.

For your information, the government plans to establish two new types of schools, namely Sekolah Unggul Garuda and Sekolah Rakyat. Sekolah Rakyat will be managed by the Ministry of Social Affairs, while Sekolah Unggul Garuda will be handled by the Ministry of Higher Education, Science, and Technology (Kemendiktisaintek).

The trial of the Sekolah Rakyat program is planned to take place at three locations in Jabodetabek. In this trial, he said there would be no charges, in other words, it would be free.

“The President also wants to establish special schools for underprivileged children, but still under the guidance of parents, specifically in the People’s School,” said Cak Imin after a limited meeting on community empowerment with Prabowo at the Bogor Presidential Palace, West Java, Friday (3/1/2025), as reported by Antara.

Cak Imin said that Sekolah Rakyat will be in the form of a boarding school. Its function includes ensuring the students’ nutrition. “Actually, what is prioritized is the boarding school, which is the most important so that their nutrition is taken care of,” he said.

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