Hundreds of Tapeworm Eggs ‘Living’ in Patient’s Body, Doctor Advises Limiting This Food

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Jakarta -A recent finding by an ER doctor in Florida has drawn attention because a patient was found to have hundreds of tapeworm eggs in their body. Dr. Sam Ghali mentioned that it was triggered by raw pork consumption.

The patient was found to have consumed undercooked pork that still contained tapeworm larvae. Unexpectedly, the tapeworm larvae hatched and entered the body’s tissues, forming cysts in the patient’s body.

Internal medicine specialist Dr. Aru Ariadno, SpPD, KGEH, stated that this condition is indeed prone to occur when someone consumes undercooked or raw meat. Not only pork, but also ground beef, chicken, and other poultry should be avoided when consumed undercooked.

“There is a possibility that undercooked meat contains bacteria or parasites.” Some meats that should be avoided when undercooked are ground beef, chicken, duck, and pork,” he told detikcom on Saturday (25/1/2024).

Ground beef is feared to be contaminated by its grinder, which may be contaminated with bacteria, as well as chicken and duck if the cleaning and storage processes are not good. Pork, as is known, contains tapeworm parasites that live in pork, and if consumed, can cause tapeworm disease in humans,” he continued.

The impact is serious; the ingested tapeworm can form cysts, as happened to a patient in Florida, USA. This condition is called cysticercosis, when cysts form as the worm larvae enter body tissues including muscles, brain, and even eyes.

Cysticercosis is a disease caused by an infection of tapeworms. This disease can cause various symptoms, such as headaches, seizures, and confusion if it attacks the brain. It can cause blindness if it affects the eyes,” he warned.

Dr. Aru also reminds us that food contamination does not only occur when consuming raw meat. It is also important to pay attention to clean cooking utensils, not to use the same cutting board or knife for processing different meats, and always ensure their cleanliness.

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