It turns out this is the bird that is identical to the emblem of the Garuda NKRI.

Jakarta -The Garuda bird is known as the symbol of Pancasila and the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia (NKRI). However, does the Garuda bird really exist?

History records that the garuda is not a living creature but rather a mythological figure associated with the god Vishnu. During the independence era, the emergence of the Garuda bird as a symbol was initiated by Moh Yamin and his colleagues, who were inspired by the reliefs of several temples in Indonesia.

The emblem of the Garuda bird was then complemented with a ribbon inscribed with “Bhinneka Tunggal Ika” by Soekarno. On the wings, there are 17 feathers on the right and left, and on the tail, there are 8 feathers.

Then at the base of the tail and legs, there are small feathers totaling 19 strands, and on the neck, there are small feathers totaling 45 strands. If combined, these numbers form 17-8-1945, which is the Independence Day of the Republic of Indonesia.

After the formulation was completed, on February 11, 1950, Garuda Pancasila was established as the emblem of the Indonesian state.

The Bird Identical to Garuda Pancasila

Although it started from mythology, there is indeed a bird that resembles the ‘Garuda Pancasila’ emblem. The bird in question is the Javan hawk-eagle (Nisaetus bartelsi).

The Javan Eagle is an endemic animal of Java Island known as a predatory bird. Its appearance is similar to the ‘Garuda’ emblem, including a distinctive crest on its head and wings that can be spread wide.

In addition, this animal has a slender body with a body length between 60-70 cm and wings 110-130 cm. As for its color, there are reddish-brown and gray ones, and its crest is black with white tips, consisting of 2-4 feathers, with a length of 12 cm, as reported by

Javan Hawk-Eagle, which is identified with the symbol of the Garuda bird Photo: Directorate General of Natural Resources and Ecosystem Conservation

This species was first discovered by the Bartels family, who are of German nationality. During his life in Java, specifically in Sukabumi, he successfully discovered 21 species including birds, bats, and mice.

Therefore, for the Latin naming of the Javanese eagle, the family name Bartels is included.

Is the Javan Eagle Still in the Wild?

Recently, sightings of the Javan eagle were shown by the Bromo Tengger Semeru National Park (TNBTS) authorities. In the areas they manage, the Javan eagle still lives in the wild.

“The Javan hawk-eagle (Nisaetus bartelsi) is considered a national symbol that inspired the Garuda Pancasila mascot, the emblem of our beloved country Indonesia, you know #sahabatmentaritengger,” wrote TNBTS in a post seen on Thursday (1/23/2025).

In the uploaded video, the Javanese eagle can still be seen naturally soaring in the sky, complete with monitoring of their chicks that are still covered in pristine white feathers.

Previously, in April 2019, the birth of Javan eagles was also reported in Gunung Gede Pangrango National Park (TNGGP). The authorities have monitored and found a Javan eagle chick estimated to be 1-2 weeks old.

Until now, the existence of the Javan eagle remains important. Because the Javan eagle is one of the raptors whose status is endangered on the IUCN (International Union for Conservation of Nature) Red List.

The government has also included the Javan eagle in the list of protected wildlife in accordance with Minister of Environment and Forestry Regulation No. 106/2018.

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