Minister of Cooperatives Forms Task Force for Revitalizing Troubled Cooperatives: Get to Work Immediately

Jakarta -The Ministry of Cooperatives (Kemenkop) has formed a Task Force (Satgas) for the Revitalization of Troubled Cooperatives. This task force will handle a number of problematic cooperatives in Indonesia.

“This task force will start working immediately,” said the Minister of Cooperatives (Menkop) Budi Arie Setiadi in a statement on Saturday (25/1/2025).

Budi Arie explained that the task force involves various elements, including the Prosecutor’s Office, the Police, the Financial and Development Supervisory Agency (BPKP), the Financial Services Authority (OJK), and the Financial Transaction Reports and Analysis Center (PPATK). This task force will revitalize problematic cooperatives.

“This aims to revitalize troubled cooperatives.” The involvement of various stakeholders is aimed at improving or revitalizing a cooperative. For example, PPATK in terms of tracing cooperative assets,” he said.

He explained that the scope of this Task Force is as an Ad Hoc Team among related ministries/institutions to coordinate measures for handling problematic cooperatives with the aim of prioritizing the payment of small deposits to cooperative members.

“Also, efforts to revitalize the cooperative institution with one of the main indicators being the implementation of the RAT to discuss the sustainability of the cooperative’s business,” he said.

Budi Arie said that the Task Force members carry out their duties in accordance with the authority of each relevant ministry/institution. “And the Task Force strives to oversee the homologation decision post-Moratorium on Debt Payment Obligations or PKPU,” said the Minister of Cooperatives.

Task Force Monitors 8 Cooperatives

He said that currently there are eight cooperatives under supervision, including Koperasi Simpan Pinjam (KSP) Indosurya, Koperasi Jasa Berkah Wahana Sentosa, KSP Sejahtera Bersama, KSP Pracico Inti Utama, KSP Pracico Inti Sejahtera, KSP Intidana, KSP Timur Pratama Indonesia, and KSP Lima Garuda.

In addition to revitalizing those 8 cooperatives, the task of the Task Force also includes handling other problematic cooperatives in the region. Budi Arie said that the Task Force for Revitalizing Troubled Cooperatives will coordinate with the cooperative offices at the provincial, district, and city levels.

According to him, the presence of the Task Force is also to ensure that cooperatives can resume normal and transparent operations, thereby providing optimal benefits to their members. “For example, there are still cooperative assets that are currently subject to seizure by the authorities,” he said. As time goes by, two cooperatives have been able to emerge from the critical period, namely KSP Intidana and KSP Sejahtera Bersama. Both cooperatives have fulfilled their obligation to hold the Annual Members’ Meeting (RAT) as the highest forum to accommodate the interests of the members and are expected to gradually be able to run their business.

For the other six cooperatives, the Task Force will continue to monitor and accompany the ongoing PKPU/homologation process until the end of 2025, or into 2026.

“Of course, by prioritizing asset-based resolution and encouraging law enforcement to prioritize the homologation process (civil) by upholding the principle of ultimum remedium,” said the Minister of Cooperatives.

“The state is present to protect the people.” The Ministry of Cooperatives strives to protect cooperative members from irresponsible practices. “We hope that the dignity and trust of the community will increase,” concluded Budi.

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